It’s July…just barely but still July. July means I’m entitled to consuming copious amounts of juicy, flavorful, plump tomatoes. And all the cravings that go along with it…cravings for say… salsa and tomato jam and bruschetta and Caprese salad. Yup, Caprese salad. That is what I’ve been craving the most. An excuse to buy those irresistible bite-size fresh mozzarella balls that end up half gone before you can even put them on a stick. And basil so fresh that you can still smell the herb on your fingertips from the leaves being picked only a few minutes earlier.
But…oh wait. There’s one problem. The tomatoes aren’t ready…they are plump and round but mockingly green. The green is a glaring reminder that they are so close…but not close enough. So what’s a girl to do when she impulsively bought a big tub of mozzarella thinking she’d come across heirloom tomatoes at the market? Eat them anyways, of course!
This is a sweet twist on the caprese salad appetizer that you so often times see around the later summer months. It’s still a juicy excuse to splurge on fresh mozzarella and douse your food in balsamic. It’s just a bit of a sweeter excuse.
PS – Yes, I did take the time to make these into shapes so it spelled out ‘Vegetarian ‘Ventures’. To be fair, it was a rainy Saturday and I didn’t have much else planned (besides sunbathing at the lake…which I repeat…it was rainy). So, you obviously can just cut these up into little squares or use a mellow scooper to make them circles. Or take the time to cut out cute shapes using cookie cutters you obtained from an antique shop. Whatever suits your fancy.
Cantaloupe Caprese
makes about 2 dozen Caprese kabobs
- 24 chunks of cantaloupe (from one small melon)
- 24 fresh bocconcini (bite-size mozzarella) balls
- 24 basil leaves
- 2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 12 kebob sticks (I broke mine in half for smaller kebobs)
Let kebob sticks soak in water for an hour before preparing.
Stick two of each cantaloupe piece, bocconicini, and basil leaf on a kebob stick in whatever order you’d prefer. Repeat with the rest of the pieces and sticks.
Drizzle with Balsamic vinegar before serving.
Doesn’t get much easier than that, huh?
absolutely love!
this is gorgeous and fun and so easy and I can’t wait to taste it but I’m positive it will be delicious!
I had the same problem with my tomatoes last year. It seemed like they grew to the perfect tomato size, then decided to take for.ev.er. to ripen. (And I got my garden off to a late start this year, so my plants only have flowers or tiny green tomatoes at the moment.) Love love love the cantaloupe substitute! It’s one of my favorite melons, especially when paired with basil. (: