photo from our camping trip last weekend at Lake Michigan And here are a few of my favorite web links from[...]
photo from our camping trip last weekend at Lake Michigan And here are a few of my favorite web links from[...]
Picture of Tuko from our hiking adventure on Tuesday. And.... here are a few favorite things that I stumbl[...]
Farro Salad with Roasted Veggies (recipe coming soon!) Heyyya Heyyya Heyya! Hope everyone is having a fant[...]
A picture from our organic farm that we pick our CSA box up at 1. I have an array of adorable teacups fro[...]
Tuko/Taco/Teekee at the lake So this month marks the 1 year anniversary of my blog. Woah, weird. Right? An[...]
Searchable Saturdays 6.29.13 Searchable Saturdays 6.08.13 Cabin in the Woods Wisconsin + Maple Almond GOR[...]
Hi!!! I'm excited to start a new series over here on VV that I'm currently calling "Friday Catch Up" (I[...]
If you are a regular around here you may have noticed my usual 'Searchable Saturday' post miss[...]
No 'Searchable Saturdays' today because I am headed home for the holidays. I hope everyone has a[...]
Morning, Morning! Let's start out by having me fill you in on a few things, shall we? If you are an avid rea[...]
Another month has gone by already! The days are shortening, the evening are cooling, and the produce cho[...]
Well I missed "Searchable Saturdays" this week because things got super crazy with work. We had several cl[...]
[Breakfast /// Brunch] Homemade Chai Coconut Latte Mini Goat Cheese Leek & Potato Spring Gallete[...]